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  • The Ground-Based GPS Receiver Applications Module (GB-GRAM) is the program name for products that are compliant to GRAM standards and targeted to support the ground domain.

PRODUCTS: Defense Advanced GPS Receiver

  • 336,555 fielded from 2004-2015; transitioned to Communications-Electronics Command for sustainment
  • DAGR is a 12-channel receiver intended primarily for handheld use, which includes a graphical user interface that greatly enhances a Soldier’s situational awareness, effectiveness and safety. It was procured as the next generation replacement for the aging PLGR, and provides more secure and accurate service in a much smaller and less power-hungry package. It can be mounted into platforms or integrated into other systems to provide PNT service.
  • The DAGR uses state-of-the-art GPS receiver technology including “All in View” satellite tracking for better accuracy, and the Selective Availability Anti-Spoof Module (SAASM) for improved security.

Ground Based GPS Receiver Applications Module Fact Sheet

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